Cityville Ranked #11 in Top 50 Properties of 2015
Persimmon’s Cityville on 9th Apartments in downtown Des Moines ranked #11 Nationwide
Published by Multi-Family Executive. By Joseph Batdorf.
The 2016 ORA™ Power Rankings series opens with ranking the Top 50 Properties with the Best Online Reputation in the nation for 2015.
The leader of the pack is The Kensington, Boston, MA managed by Bozzuto with an ORA™ score of 94. Though it ranked number four in 2014, The Kensington has consistently improved its rankings through the year to be best in class in 2015. Bozzuto also has the highest number of properties (four) in the 2015 Top 50 Properties list. What makes The Kensington stand out, “Our team’s reaction time and consistent follow up to all resident questions or concerns, I believe is what sets us apart,” shared Daniel Pereira, general manager, The Kensington.
In comparison to 2014, when the national average ORA™ score was 52, in 2015 it jumped up two points to 54. The top ORA™ score for a property has notched up three points from 91 in 2014 to 94 in 2015. This elevation in ORA™ scores is indicative of the increasing attention management companies and properties are paying to online review management. Not only are properties becoming more cognizant of incorporating reviews on review sites and ILSs, the reviews are also becoming more balanced. They no longer are limited to being “gripe sessions.”
New entrant, The Laurel Apartments, St. Louis, MO, managed by Laramar ranks number two with an ORA™ score of 94. Happy to hear the news, Nicole Lindquist, community manager, The Laurel Apartments said that her mantra for success is to, “Create a solid camaraderie through constant teamwork within the office, and to build a comfortable, and fun environment for the residents.”
With an ORA™ score of 93, Westminster Tower, Tacoma, WA, took the third spot. It is managed by Renaissance Limited.
A property that has consistently maintained a position in the Top five through 2015 is Pohlig Box Factory, Richmond VA. With an ORA™ score of 93; it closed the year at the fourth place. “Superior customer service and communication with residents is the key to managing online reputation,” shared Holly Hilton, resident manager, Pohlig Box Factory.
The biggest gainer since 2014 is Park Place One Apartments, Philadelphia, PA, managed by Fidelity Management. The property has raced from being number 25 in 2014 with an ORA™ score of 84 to number five in 2015 with an ORA™ score of 93.
In an ongoing series of ORA™ Power Rankings, MFE periodically publishes a new ranking of apartment properties and management companies based on different parameters. ORA™ Power Rankings is powered by J Turner Research. To arrive at the aggregated score, J Turner Research tracks and analyzes the online reputation of more than 55,000 apartment properties across multiple ratings websites, on a monthly basis. To overcome the challenge of multiple ratings scales, the company has devised a statistical model to establish a single score for each property. This score, based on a 0-100 scale, serves as a benchmark to compare and contrast individual properties—and portfolios—nationally.
To see the entire list of properties, click here.